Diagnostic Imaging
Thanks to the most modern technology and under the full care of qualified imaging specialists in tirana, a variety of ultrasounds are conducted at the LifePlus Polyclinic, including:
- Abdominal ULTRASOUND
- Carotide Arthery ULTRASOUND
- Low extremities venos system
- Musculoskeletal ULTRASOUND
- Thyroid Gland ULTRASOUND
- Gynecological ULTRASOUND
Radiography is an X-ray examination that provides information on various anatomical structures in one or two directions. The LifePlus Polyclinic offers the following services:
- Head X-Ray
- Sinus X-Ray
- Joint X-Ray
- Lumbar Spine X-Ray
- Toracal Spine X-Ray
- Cervikal Spine X-Ray
- Pelvis X-Ray
- Chest X-Ray
Magnetic Resonance Imaging
Magnetic resonance imaging (RM or MRI) is the most advanced real-time diagnostic technology. This examination allows us to obtain precise anatomical three-dimensional images, without exposing the patient to harmful radiation. It is frequently used to diagnose illness, as well as to assess the effectiveness of therapy. It is based on advanced technologies. Resonance service with or without contrast can be developed at LifePlus Polyclinic for:
- RM Knee
- RM Elbow
- RM Shoulder
- RM Ankle
- RM Hip
- RM Hand
- RM Pelvic
- RM Cervical Spine
- RM Thoracic Spine
- RM Lumbar Spine
Office's Address
St. Dritan Hoxha, Blloku “Gintash”, Laprakë, Tiranë